While there is a focus on individual and community projects, opportunities arise for the shed to generate some additional funds and this is often a real team effort as shown in the examples below.
Garage Sale
To help dispose of some of our surplus items and increase our funds the committee decided to have our first garage sale on 15th August 2015. With an early start for some at 7.so am, we set the prepared items out under the verandah. Despite our advertising a “not before 8.30am start” the first rush walked down the drive at 8.15 and from then on we had a steady stream of people looking for a bargin.

We were lucky with the weather and the suggestion of having a sausage sizzle as an extra fund raiser proved a success. At first count we look to have increased our funds by about $700. In addition we got a $100 donation towards a Defibrillator Unit. We still seem to have a large array of surplus items left but on the on the positive side have sold some of the bulky items.

One way to boost our funds

The donation of a Trailer Sailer thats needs a lot of TLC – yes that’s A LOT OF TLC – currently has one eager member lovingly repairing, sanding and painting the exterior.
The trailer on which it sits is another sad story because of its rusty condition. The offer of a boat trailer that was being replaced by the owner now gives us several options as we try and assemble a saleable package so we will see how it goes.
Its been up on blocks for a while now and the silver tarpaulin keeps most of the rain out. From time to time our enthusiasts is seen sanding and priming and we are about due for an update to see where to from here.
After what seems a long time and without any further expenditure it was decided that it was as tidy as we could get it and it had to go. Shaped bearers were fixed to the specifically donated trailer from another benefactor so the boat was now mobile again. Then it was on Trade Me and fingers crossed……. and yes we sold it and the Defibrillator fund has benefitted as a result.

Toy World Closure
A new Benefactor for MenzShed was the result of the closure of Toy World Paraparaumu and the generous donation by the owners of the internal fittings including counter, stands and shelving. The resultant several trailer loads of items have stirred the imagination of members for their use in a variety of projects, so watch this space. Some articles have been on-sold benefitting our funds.

Xmas Lights 2014
Continuing to assist Barry & Karen Church with their xmas lights display, from which we gain donations, has become an annual end of year event for MenzShed Kapiti and again we all did it proud as the photos show.

Fence Construction
A successful tender to construct the fence that separated part of the site from one neighbour saw some members leading by example and some learning new skills – we are all proud of the end result and our funds benefitted also.

Garage Donation
The offer of the complete removal of a garage saw it progressively dismantled, temporarily stood up and then successfully sold on trade me.

Xmas Lights 2013
After being approached by Barry & Karen Church to assist with their xmas lights display, MenzShed Kapiti have continued to provide a major input to support their already impressive display.

The opportunity to assist Cartridge World relocating fittings to their new premises increased our funds